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Order Processing

Please note that usually, order fulfillment time takes 2-5 business days before shipping Orders that contain more than 10 items might take 3-10 business days to fulfil.

How to cancel an order

The cancellation request of your order must be sent to us in 24 hours, more than 24 hours, we can not cancel your order. Please contact to cancel your order.

Payment method

We do support multicurrency payment through Paypal and Credit Card.

Shipping questions

Delivery Time

Once you get the notification that your orders have been shipped, you will be provided with the tracking number.

You will receive your item in approximately 1-6 days for standard shipment for USA.  However you can also choose express shipment using FedEx by paying $20 extra shipping cost.

For other countries we will use express shipment using FedEx and you will received your item in approximately 3-7 days.

Do You Shipped Internationally ?


Yes, But free shipping is only available for orders shipped within the United States with maximum 3lbs each order, more than that you will be charged $1 for another additional  pounds. However, express additional shipping costs by FedEx or will be charged for shipments to certain countries, which will be divided to 3 international zone.

International Zone 1 to Canada and Mexico will be charged $24 for first 4 lbs and will be charged $5 for another additional pound.

International Zone 2 to Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, United Kingdom**, Andorra, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Sweden will be charged $26 for first 6 lbs and will be charged $6 for another additional pound.

International Zone 3 to Australia, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea will be charged $32 for first 6 lbs and will be charged $5 for another additional pound. 

Returns questions

Refund and Replacement

Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the product:

  • For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery
  • Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense and are either replaced or fully

If you or your customers notice an issue with  the products or anything in  the  order that  seems to be  out of place, contact our customer support team and send a photograph along with a brief explanation of the problem. We will review the issue and notify you of the approval or rejection of a replacement/refund. If your claim gets approved, and you require a  replacement, we  will have a new order shipped to  you  within 3 business days. If  you request a refund, a  credit  will  be  automatically applied to  your credit card or original  payment method within a few work days.

Replacement / Refund Exemptions

We will not grant a refund, credit your account, or replace a produced product in case of:

  • Wrong Address – If you or your end customer provide an address that is considered insufficient by the courier, the shipment will be returned to our You will be liable for reshipment costs once we have confirmed an updated address with you (if and as applicable).
  • Unclaimed – Shipments that go unclaimed are returned to our facility, and  you  will  be liable for the cost of a reshipment to yourself or to your end customer (if and as applicable).
  • Buyer's Remorse – It is best to advise your end customers to contact you before returning any We do not refund orders for buyer’s remorse. Returns for products or exchange of a product are to be offered at your expense and discretion. If you choose to accept returns or offer size/product exchanges to your end customers, you would need to place a new order at your own expense.
  • Rejected by Customs - If a package is returned due to customs rejection, we will not  issue a It is the responsibility of the store owner to research import regulations for each country they are selling their products, and for the receiver to pay any necessary customs fees.

Secure transactions

Transactions are handled with bank-grade security.

Simple checkout

Our secure checkout is quick and easy to use.

Get in touch

Have questions? Get in touch with us at any time.